Relance du recrutement d’un(e) Coordinateur-trice régional Moyen-Ouest (Menabe et Melaky)

Le réseau MIHARI, MItantana HArena and-Ranomasina avy eny Ifotony, réunissant les communautés côtières gestionnaires de LMMA et les organisations qui les appuient, en collaboration avec le Bureau du WWF à…

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Carnivals and capacity building: fishers learn new skills and share ideas at MIHARI’s Northwest Regional Workshop

170 participants including more than 130 small-scale fishers and community leaders from the Boeny, Diana and Sofia regions came together for MIHARI’s Northwest Regional Workshop from 25 to 28 April…

Continue ReadingCarnivals and capacity building: fishers learn new skills and share ideas at MIHARI’s Northwest Regional Workshop