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Marine protected area co-ordination

Forum National de MIHARI rassemble les gestionnaires LMMA des quatre coins de Madagascar

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Plus de 100 gestionnaires LMMA venant des communautés autour de Madagascar, ainsi que des représentants de leurs ONG partenaires et des fonctionnaires gouvernementaux concernés, se réuniront le mois prochain à Mananara…

Continuer la lectureForum National de MIHARI rassemble les gestionnaires LMMA des quatre coins de Madagascar

Signed, sealed, delivered, I’m your protected area

PARTNER POST FROM BLUE VENTURES When Velondriake’s community leaders heard the announcement that their LMMA was to receive permanent designation as a protected area, they preferred to wait until they had a copy of the stamped, signed Decree in their hands to hold celebrations. Now the i’s have been dotted, the t’s crossed and we finally have it: a definitive protected area with a formal Decree establishing the activities that are allowed and those that are forbidden within its boundaries.

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Village takes bold step to save fishery — with help from goats

PARTNER POST FROM CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL On one day in 2009, the Malagasy village of Ivovona harvested 600 kilograms (1,322 pounds) of fish, mostly octopus. Earlier this year, those same fishermen, joined by others from the nearby village of Ambavarano, pulled in 5 tons of octopus — in three hours. How did things turn around so quickly in a remote, poverty-stricken community? The villagers made the decision to adopt fishing regulations — and gained a new source of livelihood in the process.

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La première vague d’Aires Marines Protégées à gestion communautaire à Madagascar

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Le mois d’avril 2015 fut un mois de réussite pour le réseau MIHARI. Cinq Aires Marines Protégées (AMP) à gestion communautaire au niveau du réseau ont finalement obtenu leurs décrets…

Continuer la lectureLa première vague d’Aires Marines Protégées à gestion communautaire à Madagascar